Friends, do you have low immunity, do you get cold very quickly, are you always tired, do you have skin problems or hair fall, all these are signs of weak immune system, if yes then do not panic today we We are going to tell you five such effective ways, by adopting which your immunity will start increasing rapidly.
The immune system protects us from harmful bacteria and viruses. Having a weak immunity means inviting health problems. Sometimes the immune system becomes so weak that it starts working against our body, Arthritis and Type-1 diabetes are prime examples of this. With the wrong diet, stress and age, our immune system starts to weaken.
If your immune system is better at this time, even if you eat directly, there is no effect on you, then there is no guarantee that it will continue like this in future also. If you want to keep your immune system better, then you will always have to adopt these methods, about which we are going to tell you. Five effective ways to increase immunity rapidly are as follows-
Ashwagandha is one such herb from India which has been called Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha is a big name in boosting the immune system. Mix a small spoon of Ashwagandha in a glass of warm milk and drink it slowly before sleeping at night. By consuming it, your immunity will be boosted very soon.
3.Mint drink
After trying any one of these 5 methods mentioned above, you will get to see the result within 5 to 10 days. Apart from this, pay attention to some other things like-
Eat home cooked food as much as possible, do not eat fast food. Eat seasonal fruits daily. Exercise daily. Drink more and more amount of water. Get proper sleep Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol as much as possible.