Disadvantages of drinking too much tea and how to avoid it

 Wherever you go anywhere in the world, whether you find anything or not, you will definitely get tea. The caffeine present in tea gives us freshness by stimulating our nervous system and removing our fatigue, which only affects for a short time, as soon as the energy level of a person starts decreasing slightly, then he drinks a cup of tea and such Do not know how many cups of tea he drinks in a day and gradually it becomes such that he is unable to work without tea, now intoxication whether it is alcohol or tea is intoxication.

There is a lot of talk of people on whether it is okay to drink tea or not, some say that it is okay to drink tea and some say that it is not good to drink tea, but one thing is sure that when tea should not be drunk more than one or two times a day, which is People drink more tea, it is important for them to know that what are the damages caused by tea to our body.

According to Ayurveda, tea is not good for people living in hot countries because tea increases the heat inside us. If the amount of acid increases, then all the body organs are harmed, tea slows down our digestion, if the food is not digested properly in our body, then gas burning and heaviness remains in our stomach throughout the day.

Tea does not allow the vitamins and minerals from food to be completely absorbed in the body, due to which the body remains weak and tired. It also has a bad effect on our heart, due to which the risk of diseases like high BP heart attack increases.

Drinking too much tea kills hunger, some people resort to tea to lose weight, which reduces their appetite but increases the problems of acidity, gas in them. Excessive consumption of tea also hinders our sleep, we drink tea again and again to complete our work so that we do not sleep, but by doing this gradually mental diseases start increasing, the disease of sleeplessness starts torment, Depression and irritability increase. Drinking tea weakens our memory power.

Tea has high oxalate content, which increases the chances of stones. Drinking tea increases the risk of urinary diseases and increases the chances of kidney damage. By drinking more tea, our body becomes dehydrated, that is, there is a lack of water in our body. People who have anemia should stay away from tea because tea does not allow iron to be absorbed in our body.

How to stop drinking tea?

Quitting the habit of drinking tea is not a difficult task, it only depends on us. If we think that tea cannot be left, then we will never be able to leave it, but if we are determined to leave it, then it is not difficult either.

How to avoid the harm caused by tea?

  1. Limit your tea quantity to one to two cups. 
  2. Never drink hot tea. 
  3. Use fresh utensils to make tea. 
  4. Do not drink the tea found at the bus stands, railway stations along the roads. 
  5. Do not drink tea with food or immediately after eating.
  6. Drink plenty of water throughout the day so that your body does not become a victim of dehydration.
  7. Minimize the use of milk and sugar in tea. 
  8. If possible, use hot water or green tea instead of tea. 

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